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I have a micro-controller based relay switching circuit, powered by AC/DC SMPS module based on THX203H controller. The module is isolated flyback type. They circuit is powered from 220V/50Hz outlet.
The phenomenon I see it that sometimes the module shuts down momentarily when they relays switch a 220V load, even very light one (such as indication lamps). The phenomenon never happens when no load is connected. After experimenting, I came to conclusion that the switching noise on the lines is somehow able to destabilise the SMPS: 1. If I add a ferrite bead on the A/C phase, the phenomenon diminished significantly. 2. If I power the AC/DC from 220v/120v transformer and the load switching phase directly from 220V outlet, the phenomenon disappears completely. Unfortunately, I have not been able to measure the hot side yet to see what actually happens. Analysing the module compared to the reference design in the datasheet (attached) I have found that X and Y capacitors as well as varistor and input choke are missing. Also the input reservoir is much smaller than recommended (I tried to double it - no effect). The rest seem to follow the recommended design. Did somebody have similar experience before? Any suggestions about what can cause the issue and how to resolve it ? Datasheet of the controller: