Referring to this question: How can I convert a 2 prong connector to USB?
I have decided to go with this solution: (2) You could use a cheap (from $5) serial to USB adaptor and wire the switch to eg the CTS line. This can be detected by a PC program. (answered by Russell McMahon)
My questions are what type of wiring should i use? (links anyone?) I've decided to go with this adaptor:
How would I connect the actual wires to the serial cable? from this video: (45 seconds)
It appears I need to wire pins 1 and 4. But I can't seem to find the shown serial adapter that would let me solder the wires into a serial port. Does anyone know where I might get such an adaptor? Or could I just connect the wires directly into the serial port pins?
Thank you all for your expertise and willingness to share.