Our lab has an old New Brunswick Model G25 incubator shaker. Its temperature control function is broken lately. We would like to replace the two copper capillary thermostats with modern digital temperature controllers. Such as this one on Amazon.
I found its manual. On page 32, it has the circuit diagram. I found an RCAS bridging the "control" thermostat 1TAS-2 (pic 1). In the manual of another similar model, I learned this is a resister capacitor in series circuit (1mF+100Ω, pic 2).
My questions are:
What is the purpose of this bridging RCAS design? To provide a low constitutive current to the heater circuits? To prevent spark or surge from the thermostat?
Will it affect my attempt to replace the capillary thermostats with digital controllers?
Thank you very much. I have rudimentary electrical skills. Any suggestions on this project will be appreciated.