I am studying the designs of Second Order Butterworth high pass filter practically.
The Capacitor values C1 and C2 described in standard textbooks are always in the range of picofarads.(e.g.,0.0047uF)
1.The input signal is Sin wave(Range of frequency- 10Hz to 1MHz) given by the Function Generator.
2.I use standard DSO to monitor input and output at Vin and Vout Terminals.
3.Op-amp used in the practical circuitry is 741.
If I design the value such that the capacitor value is 1uF(with designed resistance value as 530 ohms for Cutoff frequency fc=3Hhz)) then the Signal Input which was given by the function generator itself distorts.Why so?
Why is the input signal(at Vin) given from the function generator(Datasheet) should distort depending on capacitor values?