What's the white component? The one besides the green resistor.
It has 5 pins, the pictures are below.
What's the white component? The one besides the green resistor.
It has 5 pins, the pictures are below.
Due to small slit on top for a screw driver and wires on the sides, I would guess a variable inductor. (Like a potentiometer, but for inductance instead of resistance).
Example from coilcraft: Example datasheet (see page 4)
It could be a trimmable transformer. Such things were used often in radios to tune all the circuits to the IF frequency, or whatever. This was a case where the result of 5% components wasn't good enough, before the age of digital trimming.
The coil or transformer had a ferrite slug in the middle that was threaded. Turning the slug would move it up and down relative to the coils. That would change the inductance of individual windings, and the coupling between windings.
Tranformers that size are only for RF signals. It is too small to handle significant power or to work at low frequencies.
The green leaded component is a fixed value inductor (coil / choke) as that is also the schematic symbol for a inductor / coil on the board under neither of it. The white body device is a variable inductor containing a powdered ferrite type tuning slug for minor adjustment of the inductance value and this appears to be a transformer configuration with a fixed primary / secondary and the opposing side is center tapped primary / secondary.