\$ Does ~f ~go \to 1/\infty ?\$ unknown , unproven but close to it
\$\dfrac{1V}{\sqrt{Hz}} @10^{-14} Hz\$ equals.... wait for it
= 31,709.8 centuries .. now that's a little flicker but which century?
Is this the probability of gamma wave hitting electrons out of orbit?
In audio it is called "Pink Noise" and it exists everywhere in nature.
The true cause is not known, but it exists for as long as you measure it even the last 60 years, as has been done.
What scientists in China do know is that , the origin of 1/f noise is the interaction between the system and random effect.
In dust particle sizes , we see the same histogram of qty vs size if we equate the frequency of occurence of dust particles in a unit volume. How small can they go? only particle physicists can answer this and they keep finding small particles with more energy required to find them.
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