First, read this other question of mine. I have modified the amplifier, as suggested by τεκ to run on the full rail.
This is the modified circuit.
Notice how the amplifier ground is tied to -5 and the power to 5, meaning that it is powered by the 12 VDC coming from the external adapter... see schematics.
After turning the device on, I hear a hum and buzz sound that is bigger than the sound. What I did was this: after the capacitors C25 and C26, I have changed all 0V references to -Vcc (C21, C22, C23), pins 4, 5, 9, 12 and 13 of TEA2025, C27 and C28. But this is my problems:
the final output, jack U2 0V. If I change that to -Vcc, this jack's ground will be 6V lower compared to the input jacks' grounds that are on the virtual 0. I don't think this is good.
The potentiometers are grounded to 0V. I think this should stay at 0V right? because everything before C25 and C26 are between -5 and +5 and those caps are insulating this part of the circuit and the amplifier part, right? Or should I connect the potentiometers to -5V?