Generally yes for voltage breakdown limits.
However charger must be able to handle current supplied with unknown load.
Therefore limit the current to practical value. (Rs = Voc/Isc) (battery ESR is very low)
Voltage drops with rising current to near maximum current <82% Voc depending on solar input down to ~72% Voc and solar panel chemistry. So your Rs can be smaller than above which would give maximum power at Rs=load.
Special SMPS is ideal with current regulation on both input and/or output with Vmax and optimum Vin to meet battery charge profile current and voltage.
MPPT regulators must find optimum input current and regulate output charge current and voltage. These are 4 functions to monitor and regulate (Vin, Iin, Iout, Vout) not necessarily done by 1 design or IC and depends on load. Load could be a very low ESR discharged battery or a battery management IC or anything else.
Smartest task is to learn these transfer functions for these 4 variables under all conditions day and night. This is essentially a photon excited current source with a voltage limit and thus source impedance is lowest at MPT. Z = ESR= ΔV/ΔI From Max Power Transfer Theorem This occurs when impedances are matched between any/all interfaces.
Undergrad Project Paper on this subject
Note Figure 5 depends on PV panel Voc/Vmp = % Voc for MPT vs Solar input current. with examples from Wiki citations and algorithms.