I'm switching on an LED strip power supply using an Arduino, but my relay has just started sticking. The relay switches the mains for a 5V 20A power supply. The relay board is this style.
The relay is apparently rated for 10A @ 250VAC, so I think should be fine for the continuous current, but I guess the inrush current when the power supply is first switched on is what's causing the relay contacts to fuse.
I have another 4 of these relay boards spare, so I'm wondering if I can either a) Somehow limit the inrush current to the power supply so that I can just use one of these boards, or b) Figure out the inrush current so I can use a more suitable relay.
If I go with b) - does anyone know of a relay that would be up to the task? Ideally 5v with the same package as the ones on those boards so I can do a straight swap, but I'm guessing the ones that can handle the higher inrush current are probably a bigger package, right?
Edit: Here's a quick schematic of the setup:
The reason I'm switching on the AC side instead of the 5V was really just for power saving, so that the power supply isn't on constantly, only when I want it on (when the Arduino signals D5 high).
The relay is sticking in the on position - the output stuck on closed and when the whole thing was unplugged (both USB and AC), I managed to give the relay a few taps and it eventually unstuck and opened up again.