I took an example from website that describes 8bit serial in serial out shift left register.
module shift (clk, si, so);
input clk,si;
output so;
reg [7:0] tmp;
always @(posedge clk)
tmp <= tmp << 1;
tmp[0] <= si;
assign so = tmp[7];
from above example, I think that this is strange implementation. This is because, inside always
, when tmp[0] <= si;
is executed first, then we will take unexpected output.
For example, let's assume si
is 1, and when tmp
1010 1010
and, when tmp[0] <= si;
is executed first(which will make an unexpected output), the output is:
0101 0110
But, if always
statements are executed sequentially as it is written in above example, the output is
0101 0101
As a result, we cannot guarantee that the output could be what we expected.
Am I right? So, the correct implementation should be:
tmp <= (tmp << 1) + {7'b0000_000, si};
Or, can we prove that the above example is always executed sequentially?
tmp <= {tmp[6:0], si};