I'm building an indoor greenhouse. I have gathered a few tutorials on how to achieve what I need but on the heater I bought I can't seem to find anything that could help, and my knowledge on electricity is a bit shaky.
I'm using an ESP32 to control the sensors and valves I need and I thought that I could control this heater (https://www.ebay.com/itm/322871906747) with the ESP32 and a MOSFET. The MOSFET (IRFZ44N) is rated for 55 V and 49 A which is safely above what I need.
Upon receiving the heater I tried to test it with some Dupont cables and a PC power supply but those thin cables couldn't handle the 12 A that the heater was trying to pull, so they melted. After this little accident this got a bit real (I come from a software background where a bad day is when you crash something important but starting a fire is a whole new level).
I read that the problem was the thickness of the cables. I didn't seem to find a clear way to check how thick I needed to be to be able to handle all the amperage but I'm sure this I can figure out.
My question is: handling this kind of power on a breadboard will burn down my house won't it (because this greenhouse is supposed to take care of itself and being unattended for most of the time)?
How can I safely build it without soldering (I have shaky hands and zero soldering skills)?
I'm planning to use a PC power supply for everything but I have no idea what resistors and/or diodes I would need to keep the usage of this heater safe. (I have ordered 1N4001 diodes and 0.25 W 1 kΩ resistors for other sensors and valves, but for this I don't think it will do (some reading materials for understanding this are welcomed).
Lastly: connecting thick cables to the MOSFET seems wrong (for lack of a better word). I bought some Dupont connectors; I was thinking on using these with the thicker cables on the breadboard, but now I have no idea how to connect them.