
I am learning Altium Designer and now I am working on some multisheet pcb project, which consists of Power Supply among other things, which is implemented with Texas Instruments's UA7805 Regulator for +5V/1.5A power supply rail. This rail is named in schematic as +5V_DIGITAL. However, because of multisheet design (with root sheet), how do I declare this power rail in Altium, as Power port: power port or as Port: Port ? If rail should/must be declared as Port, then what type of port it is (Unspecified, Output or Bidirectional)?


1 Answer 1


Ports are mainly for signals, not rails. I always use option #1, with a power port. The benefit to this is that (depending on your project settings) the power ports are global so you don't need any sort of sheet-to-sheet connector to connect the power ports between sheets. The connection is implicit.


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