I have a microcontroller, which requires that no signals are connected to its input ports during startup. There is a control signal SYS_RESET, that should first rise, before any input is connected to the uP's expansion headers. As a result, I am looking for a way to use this SYS_RESET signal as an enable signal, to efficiently switch all the input signals. The choices I am considering are tri-state buffers, multiplexers, and electronic CMOS switches.
What I am looking for is a single IC, with many channels (the more the better, the BBB has around 40 GPIOs, and 7 AnalogIns) that are all controlled by a single enable signal. Also I need a through-hole package. Any suggestions?
I am using the beaglebone black wireless. What I am referring to in the question above, is found in this link at the "tips and pointers" section, "expansion headers pin usage" subsection, the points 1 through 5 (especially point 3).
- Do not apply any voltages to any I/O pins when the board is not powered on.
- Do not drive any external signals into the I/O pins until after the SYS_RESETn signal is HI (3.3V).
- Do not apply any voltages that are generated from external sources until SYS_RESETn signal is HI.
- If voltages are generated from the VDD_5V signal, those supplies must not become active until after the SYS_RESETn signal is HI.
- If you are applying signals from other boards into the expansion headers, make sure you power the board up after you power up the BeagleBone Black or make the connections after power is applied on both boards.
I am also posting the datasheet of the BBB