My textbook simply gives the formulas w/o derivations. Using node voltage method, I'm able to successfully prove the formulas for VSVS, ICVS, and VCIS. But I couldn't do the same for the current gain of the ICIS circuit shown :
I tried to apply KCL at the 3 nodes shown (thick black dots) in the figure. But I'm getting complicated expressions and they are not simplifying to the given formula. My work :
1) At input node (call it \$V_-\$ )
$$-i_{in} + \dfrac{V_{-} - V_x}{R_2} = 0$$
2) At outut node (call it \$V_{out}\$ ) $$V_{out} = -A_{VOL}V_{-}$$
3) At the 3rd node (call it \$V_x\$ ) $$ \dfrac{V_{x} - V_-}{R_2} + \dfrac{V_{x} - V_{out}}{R_L} + \dfrac{V_x}{R_1} = 0$$
Solving these 3 equations is giving me a really scary looking expression for \$i_{out}\$. Are the above 3 equations look okay ? I've ignored the currents going into the inputs of opamp because I thought they're negligible.. I feel I'm doing something terribly wrong. Appreciate any help. Thanks!