I am trying to learn how to control a relay to power various household objects. I bought a power relay shield for an adafruit feather huzzah (esp8266), and I have just set up the arduino blink sketch to provide conditional high / low to a control pin on the relay:
const int ledPin = 13;
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
If I connect a jumper from the signal
pin hole on the board to the appropriate ledPin
(13), I can hear the relay switching on and off. If I use a multimeter in continuity mode, it will register continuity at the appropriate times in the blink sketch (HIGH or LOW).
I might be confused on how the relay should be wired, but shouldn't attaching wires from two of the terminal blocks deliver power to something? If I use a multimeter on wires coming out of the blocks, I don't detect any current. I've tried powering a simple led, but I can't get it to light up. Here's my setup. Can anyone explain what I might be doing wrong? Does the LED need a separate power source apart from what's coming from the feather itself? (the feather is powered by a USB cable from my computer).
Thanks for any clarification anyone can provide.
Here is a reference photo of how adafruit has things wired.
Here's an update of my implementation - let me know if anything looks wrong/dangerous. Thanks!