I am using the ST7590 chip for PLC purpose which integrates with an STM controller, but my company uses Microchip controllers. I have signed an SLA so I will not post or talk about the non-public information. The public info that I refer to is the chip datasheet and the design guide.
I have followed the design guide to the letter in the hardware apart from the STM chip being used, USB, SDC reader and the JTAG (but these are peripheral).
I am using the PIC18F45K40 to control the ST7590. The EUSART, 8MHz clock, Digital IO and Analog work on the PIC18.
In setup:
Enable Clock;
DFU =0;
In main:
If(CTS ==0)
// send the appropriate string of bytes through EUSART;
If(CTS ==1)
// send the appropriate string of bytes through EUSART;
//long delay and Loop.
I monitor the TX of the ST7590 with a Logic probe and get no response.
In the main loop, I have also tried toggling the DFU pin between sending strings of bytes.
The strings of bytes I send I have checked multiple times, but if they were wrong the chip would still send an error response. Therefore I can only assume that it is the chip's firmware that is damaged or lost; alternatively that it is not in the state to be sent commands.
I have also replaced the chip with a fresh one multiple times to make sure the firmware is working.
Do you have any suggestions?
I know I have given very little information, but my hands are tied and the support for this chip with a tertiary controller is limited.