I am a novice at electronics hacking. I would like to know how I can make a circuit communicate with a PC. Take for example, a simple circuit, with one LED and a switch. The switch on the circuit however, is not used to control the LED. Pressing it communicates the present state of the LED. I have a program running on my computer, which has for an UI, a button and a graphic object; a black filled circle.
- I should be able to turn the LED on and off from my computer by clicking the button on the screen.
- Pressing the switch on the board, should communicate to the program the state of the LED. If the LED is on, the black circle should turn green, else it should turn black.
This a hypothetical situation I have described to explain the problem. I am not looking for a solution to implement this thing, but want to know how this communication between my circuit and the computer can be achieved, in a simple, inexpensive way, over
- wire?
- wireless?
And if you could suggest where I should look and what I should learn to get started with my electronics project, that would be of great help.