I have a USB powered device with multiple IC's. From what I've read it's standard practice to use a combination of multiple range capacitors for decoupling each individual IC, with the smallest being as close as possible and larger capacitors not too far away.
However, I'm running into a dilemma:
According to this source, the maximum allowed decoupling capacitance for a USB device is 10uF. With several IC's all having a combination of 0.1uF and 2.2uF/4.7uF decoupling capacitors, I'm easily exceeding this limit because they're all in parallel.
The only solution I can think of is to reduce/eliminate the larger decoupling capacitor and/or try to clump a few IC's larger decoupling capacitors together while keeping the smaller decoupling capacitors close to each IC.
In my mind neither of these solutions seem ideal. What is the recommended decoupling layout for multiple IC's on a USB powered device?
The theoretical power consumption of all the IC's under use is still below the limit that can be supplied via USB 2.0.