I'm in the process of developing a pocketqube and I am currently working on the power system. I am hoping to use an SPV1040 MPPT IC to simplify the design and maximize efficiency. Each side of the craft will have 8 Trisolx GaAs solar cells with an open voltage of 2.6 V and max power voltage of 2.3 V, they have a max current of 14.6 mA. Obviously all these characteristics are in a direct sunlight ideal scenario at ambient temperature. The battery charged will be a 700 to 900 mAh 3.7 V Li-Ion and the output voltage needed is 3.3 V.
The following schematic here displays an output voltage of 5 V though I cant find what resistors I need to change to adjust that.
Here is the datasheet http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/CD00287506.pdf
Input also says 3 V though the IC is rated to 0.3 V, how can I change that?
Also on a last note I plan to use 1 MPPT circuit for each panel, if I put 4 parallel cells in series with another (basically 1 panel) what diode should I use between the series cells?