I'm quite new to the world of electronics, and so I need some newbee-help. I've got an Arduino uno, and I've recently bought a LPR550AL pitch & roll gyro. (if it helps detailed info can be found here http://www.electrozone.dk/1550)
Obviously I read the description and the datasheet, but green as I am I don't trust that I understood it all properly. I'm uncertain about how I should interface the gyro with the arduino. The datasheets talks of external low- and high- pass filters which, quite frankly, I haven't a clue what means. Furthermore, the board has a 3,3 volt regulator which leaves me uncertain whether to use that or the arduinos 3,3 volt pin on the gyro-boards vin pin. The datasheet also mentions that I should short the selftest pin to ground, should I do that? The description says the same thing for the power down pin. I assume the power down pin will, well, power down the board? Can I even do that from one of the arduino pins? It occurs to me that they operate at 5 volts, and not 3,3.
Advice in general will be well received. Same goes for resources for further reading/learning. I should also be grateful if someone could give me instructions to connect this without burning anything :)
One final thing: Am I right in assuming that the difference between the vdd/3,3v input and VIN is that VIN is non-regulated?