While writing a paper about an experiment I am conducting, I was wondering how inductor-capacitor circuits theoretically behaved. In theory, we assume that wires and components that are not resistors have zero resistance. The resistance of the inductors and capacitors would also be zero. If we had an inductor and capacitor in series and an ac power supply connected which inputted, say, a sine wave, wouldn't the output to ground be a similar function with the same amplitude?
The reason I ask this is that the ac input function damps (decays to zero)when there is resistance in the circuit. And with these circuits, there exists no resistance to decay the function. Whether the circuit is underdamped or overdamped is not a problem, but the main question I have here is about the impedance in these circuits.
In theory (assuming superconductivity), since there is no resistance and thus purely imaginary impedance, would the signal oscillate forever between the inductor and capacitor in an LC circuit?
If I think about it myself, the answer would be yes. But I believe there is a nuance I am missing or a false fact I am assuming.
Thank you.