Today I updated my KiCad by installing new version over the previous one.
Afterwars I created a new project, added schematic symbols, associated them to footprints and generated netlist.
Now when I'm trying to read netlist in Pcbnew I get errors about missing TO-220-3_Vertical
footprint. This footprint was available in the previous version of KiCad and should be in the default github library.
What is going on? Am I doing something wrong?
The full error is:
Error: Component “U1” footprint “TO-220-3_Vertical” was not found in any libraries in the footprint library table.
Error: Cannot add new symbol “U1:/5B6DC52C” due to missing footprint “Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-220-3_Vertical”.
When I was assigning footprints to symbols I could see correct footprints in the preview window.