The numbers of Atmega devices follow a quite simple basic scheme. Let's take the Atmega644PA-AU as an example.
- "64" The first digits always mark the size of the Flash in Kibibyte
- This is always a power of 2, between 2 and 256. The 4808 is the only exception with 48kB of memory
- The RAM is in most cases a factor of 8 or 16 smaller than the Flash
- "4" The last digit marks the series of chips. Within a series they are often pin-compatible and share a similar set of features. Some prominent series are:
- 'no digit' - these are the first generation chips with 8 to 128 kiB Flash
- '8' - a series from 4 to 32 kiB Flash, all in the same housing. More or less an improved version of the original chips
- '4' similar to '8', but in larger packages with more pins (~40 instead of ~30) and up to 128 kiB Flash
- '5' similar to '4', but with more timers and PWM channels
- '0','1' rather old family with large packages (60 - 100 pins) and up to 256 kiB Flash.
- '9' with integrated LCD controller
- 'U2', 'U4' are the two sizes of USB-enabled controllers
- '08', '09' newest family with additional configurable logic and more CPU-bypassing features
- '50', '90' the largest chips with 100 pins, but few peripherals
- 'PA':
- 'A' and 'B' are newer revisions, usually without major changes.
- 'P' is 'pico-power' - chips with very deep sleep modes and quite low power consumption, ideal for battery-powered applications
- 'L' and 'V' are sampled for lower voltage operation at slower clock speeds (old series only, newer have this 'built-in').
- '-AU' The letters after the dash mark
- the kind of packaging (LGA, DIP, QFN...)
- the temperature range (industrial, consumer)
- the shipping packaging (tube, reel)
- default fuse settings (e.g. internal oscillator on 32U4)
- lead content (obsolete)
The even smaller Attiny controllers follow a similar scheme, but have more and smaller families with more specialized sets of features.
Notable is the Attiny[2,4,8,16,32][0,1][4,6,7] (e.g. Attiny204 up to Attiny3217) series that extends the Atmega[8-48]0[8,9] towards smaller memory and fewer pins.
As of 2020, there are a two new Atmega-related series: AVR-DA and AVR-DB which seem to be very similar to Atmega, but with some improved and more modern features.
In summary: You can learn quite a lot about the device from its number, but for details and precise numbers you always have to look into the datasheet.
Microchip offers a handy Quick Reference Guide where families of chips are grouped - but be careful, some entries are wrong (e.g. 324PB, 32U4).
Basic buying guide for Atmega: Use a ..4 or ..8, depending on the number of I/O and peripherals you need. 'P' and 'B' are always favorable. For communication with a PC, use a U2 or U4. Battery powered devices that have to react on external signals might profit from the new ..[0-1][4-9] series.
For special needs, check the rest of the species.