I designed a PCB to fit inside the case of a parallel port connector cable. It will be soldered, internally, to the pins of the cable connector. I already did a first version, I printed it on paper in order to better see the results. Below, there is a picture of it:
(click small image above for larger image)
But I'm afraid to design it to fit exactly into the case, because this way, it will fit only to the type of case that I measured and, maybe, it would not be a good choice. So, I was concerned about two points:
If it does not fit exactly, if it is smaller, it could swing inside the case and it can break the soldering between the PCB and the connector pins.
If it does fit exactly, I will be a "prisoner" of this case format. If, for some reason, this format of case became unavailable, I would need to redesign the PCB.
What do you think about it, does anyone have any advice?