I have recently been thinking about moving to a lead-free process for my production and though I've been reading up, I was hoping someone more knowledgable than me would be able to point me in the right direction. I have an option to choose between the following solder pastes and I was hoping to know which of these would be the easiest to transition to from a SnPb process that I currently have. I don't have any specialised equipment and my reflow equipment is a home-brewn oven that can reach a temp of about 245 deg C.
Solder pastes:
- Sn/Ag3/Cu0.5 (SAC305) NC Solder Paste
- Sn/Ag0.3/Cu0.7 (SAC0307) NC Solder Paste
- Sn/Ag3.0/Cu0.5/Ni0.06/Ge0.01 (SAC305+Ni+Ge) NC Solder Paste
Solder wires:
- Sn/Ag0.3/Cu0.7 (SAC0307) Solder Wire
- Sn99.3/Cu0.7 Solder Wire
- Sn/Ag3.0/Cu0.5/Ni0.06/Ge0.01 (SAC305) Solder Wire
Edit: I went ahead and bought the SAC0307 solder wire and paste. Both were really easy to use. The wire proved a little tough for my 25W iron but it was just as easy as leaded wire with a 50W iron. For the paste, I set the oven max temp to 240 deg C and that did a great job. Thank you again for all the great suggestions.