I'm trying to control an RGB LED strip using a NodeMCU. I have been following the guide linked here. However, the diagram included in the diagram is rather unclear, especially for someone like myself who is new to electronics. This is the diagram:
All I can make out from the picture is "500 Ω". However, when googling for the resistor, I am unable to find exactly what I need. For example, on this AliExpress listing, I am unable to find any mention of "Ohms" and just get given an option of multiple "...R". "...K" "...M".
I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction as I am new to electronics and have found myself stumped by this relatively basic issue.
Thank you in advance for any help.
P.S. I am aware that the method used to step down the 12v to 5v shown in the diagram can be problematic and I am instead going to use a 12v - 5v car charger.