I'm trying to build a step down module with a TPS562219: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps562219.pdf
On page 14 there is the reference design and on page 15 I can calculate the values Il p-p, Il peak and I LO(RMS). Therefore the datasheet shows an example for an 1.05V output:
- Il Peak = 2.34A
- I LO(RMS) = 2.01A
With that they recommend an inductor with a peak current rating of 5.5 A and an RMS current rating of 4.3 A. I don't understand why they choose such different values from that what they calculated.
In my case I need to get an 5V output for an 12V input. So my calculations give me the values
- Il p-p = 0.95A
- Il Peak = 2.477A
- I LO(RMS) = 2.0189A
Which leads me nearly to the same thing. So I would choose the same inductor? If this is correct, then I don't understand why to calculate the values, if the result is always the same.
And just by the way: Are R2 und R3 in Table 2 (page 15) named correctly? Shouldn't it be R1 and R2?