I have to isolate a digital signal that has the following characteristics:
- frequency: between 1 and 1000 Hz
- amplitude pk-pk: 12V
- offset: 0-6V
With "offset" I mean the actual voltage may change from 0-12V to 6-18V. It seems, but I cannot know this for 100% sure that the output circuit is something like an npn bjt with a 5k pull-up resistor (and something else, otherwise I cannot explain this offset, measured with an oscilloscope).
The goal is to isolate it with an optocoupler and get a steady 0-12V signal.
Here my attempt:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Because I have to replicate this section x16 times, I wonder if there's a smarter way to do the same using less components.
from a0
? \$\endgroup\$