I'm fooling around with a Nucleo-F103RB STM32 board and I'm trying to measure the ambient temperature using its internal sensor. I activate the ADC and get data normally via the HAL_ADC_GetValue()
function (the value is around 1700 - 1800 and varies with temperature as it should) but the problem is that I get really weird numbers when converting to Celsius using the formula given in the manual, namely: $$\frac{V_{25} - V_{ADC}}{AvgSlope} + 25$$ (about 70-80 degrees when the real temperature is no more than 25).
I suspect that has to do with the way I'm converting the ADC value into volts, but I can't see something obviously wrong, so I came to ask here.
Code is here :
#include "TempMsr.h"
volatile uint32_t sensorData = 0;
volatile uint32_t temp = 0;
uint32_t getTemp(ADC_HandleTypeDef* ADCHandle)
sensorData = HAL_ADC_GetValue(ADCHandle);
temp = ((V25 * 1000 - sensorData * 0.8) / AVGSLOPE) + 25;
//V25 and sensorData must be in mV for this formula to work, as the
//AVGSLOPE value is given in mV/oC
//the 0.8 multiplication comes from dividing the max ADC voltage (3.3V) with its resolution (12 bits => 4096) which is 0.8mV/ADC unit
return temp;
Its header file:
#ifndef TEMPMSR_H_
#define TEMPMSR_H_
#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
#define AVGSLOPE 4.3
//average slope of T-V chart according to datasheet pg 79
//(min is 4 mV/C, max 4.6, default (4.3): typical)
#define V25 1.43
//voltage of temperature sensor at 25C according to datasheet pg 79 (in V)
//(min is 1.34, max is 1.52, default(1.43): typical)
uint32_t getTemp(ADC_HandleTypeDef* ADCHandle);
#endif /* TEMPMSR_H_ */
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I just noticed in the reference manual that the sensor has a bias (of up to +- 45 degrees) due to the manufacturing process, which is different on every chip and I have neither calculated it for my particular MCU nor included it in the formula. Could this be the problem?