I'm relatively new to electronics, but I'm interested in making the Frequency-to-Voltage convertor linked here as part of a larger project linked here.
Here is a diagram of the circuit I want to make:
(Image source: Math Encounters Blog)
Whilst the diagram seems clear enough for me in most places, there were a few things that I would really appreciate if someone could clarify for me:
What is the
.tran 10
transistor referred to at the bottom of the diagram?In the "Larger Project" I linked above, I assume that the positive and negative of the audio signal would go correspondingly to the positive and negative of the "Sensor Interface Output" part of the diagram; is this correct?
I assume that the "Supply Voltage" is, as it hints, a constant voltage needed to supply the circuit. If so, what would this voltage be? 5V? 3.3V?
I would be very grateful if someone could give me some guidance regarding the 3 questions I posed above, as I am new to this sort of electronics.
Thank you in advance.
on the diagram! I'm still rather confused about the.tran 10
though; is it another component I would need or what? \$\endgroup\$.tran 10
is purely for software testing and is nothing that would need any action in real life. I.e. for simulating the frequency in the circuit and therefore is just left over so can be ignored? \$\endgroup\$