I have an ESP8266-01 WiFi Module and I have some troubles in supplying power to it. I use an Arduino Nano powered by a 9V battery (actually 6x 1,5V AA) through the Vin pin and the GND pin. I power the ESP8266's pin Vcc with Arduino's pin 3v3 and GND is obviously connected to GND. Up to here everything's fine. The ESP8266 turns on. Then I connect ESP's pin CH_PD to 3v3 to enable the chip. This last connection makes the ESP turn off. If I measure the voltage between pin 3v3 and GND while the CH_PD is connected, I find 1.2V. If I measure it without connecting CH_PD, it is 3.3V as expected. Does someone know why?
note 1: If I use an Arduino Uno powered by my laptop through USB, with the same configuration, everything works fine. CH_PD causes no problems at all.
note 2: Arduino Uno is original, whereas Nano is not.