I was hoping to use this mosfet shield to control a "Standard 3528 12V LED strip". The shield looks like this:
However, it doesn't come with a datasheet (I guess that's my fault for being cheap) and now I'm confused about how to connect this to my Arduino Nano / Wemos D1. The black connector has +
, -
and s
on the bottom but both blue connectors have no labeling whatsoever. So I'm not sure how to connect it to the 12V and Arduino. I've googled but haven't been able to find any documentation on this shield other than lots of sites offering it and with the same (or similar) pictures but never with any labeling. Maybe these things are so common that 'everybody knows' how to connect them?
The MOSFET is an IRF540. Also; I've read somewhere that I may need a transistor or "driver" to get the MOSFET to switch?
I have relays lying around and they work fine for my purposes but I was hoping to switch the LED strip without the noticeable click of a relay, so that's why I was looking into this MOSFET. (I also have some solid state relays laying around, but they're for AC).