I am trying to understand how an arbitrary noise spectrum is sampled by an ADC. Let the broadband noise floor be, for example, \$e_n\$ = 5nV/√Hz @ 1kHz and the 1/f noise be \$E_{1/f}\$ = 2 μV peak-peak integrated over 0.1 to 10 Hz (specified in the manner of most amplifier datasheets). If I make a single measurement of this noise (say with a ΣΔ ADC) the noise with an integration time T, what is the amplitude of uncertainty in my sample (neglecting quantization noise)?
Another way of posing this question; most ΣΔ ADCs appear to specify a peak-to-peak input-referred noise for a single measurement under various conditions (e.g filter mode, data rate, PGA gain, Vref, etc.). Given a known input noise spectrum as described above, how do I compute a noise amplitude to compare with the ADC input referred noise to know whether I can resolve my input noise in a given configuration?
If, for example, the sample interval is T=10μsec, would the sampled RMS amplitude just be \$e_n \sqrt{1/T}\$ = 1.6μV (assuming the 1/f noise is negligible at this BW)? Then if I average many just measurements the measurement improves by \$\sqrt{N}\$ which is equivalent to using a longer integration time \$NT\$?
EDIT: Also, what if I am making a precision DC measurment with a long integration time such that 1/f noise dominates? My 1/f noise spec only goes down to 0.1Hz so how do I estimate noise for integration times longer than 10 seconds? Do I need to extrapolate the 0.1 to 10 Hz noise amplitude to lower frequencies?
[Note that this question pertains to the mathematics of sampled noise not about the challenges in measuring this low noise level, the subtleties of particular ADC technologies, or low noise circuit layout.]