I have a very simple circuit on a breadboard with two push-button switches, an AND gate (74LS08), and an LED. I have the two switches hooked up to pins 1 and 2, while the LED goes from 3 to ground. Pin 14 is given 5 volts, while pin 7 goes to ground.
I'm just trying to test to see if the AND gate works and so far it seems as though it doesn't. As soon as I plug in 5 volts to pin 14, I get current through all the output pins, 3, 6, 10, and 13, regardless of what's going on with their respective input pins, even if pin 7 isn't grounded.
Obviously, the LED should only turn on when both switches are switched on, but once 5 volts is supplied to pin 14, it doesn't matter what I do to the buttons. I've tried a couple of the same AND gates from the pack, as well as some OR gates, and they all do it.