I am working on a project in which there is an existing enclosure, an existing power supply board and a bought board that I need to interface with.
The board I need to interface with needs to receive a supply voltage with the following demand:
+3.3 VDC ±5% with less than 100mV ripple
I don't that much experience in board design, so what I need to know is how to supply that 3.3V with the "less than 100mV ripple". I have 5V and 10V from that power supply board that I have.
The power supply board that I have uses the NCS6S1205C for 5V and NCS6S1212C.
- Which components do I need? an LDO? a DC-DC converter? I suppose I also need components like inductors and capacitors to meet the <100mV ripple?
- Can I do this somehow without a board? maybe put the voltage converter on the enclosure itself?
- If I do need a board, I would love if someone can provide a reference schematic I can use, or provide me with a good component that has such a reference schematic in it's datasheet.
I did search and find some stuff like:
But I really prefer to ask here, since I need the simplest design that will use the least components as possible.
Thank you!