I have a question about the formula provided on the application notes of the HB100 sensor. It is: $$f_d = 2v \frac{f_t}c\cos(\vartheta)$$ where \$f_d\$ is the doppler frequency, \$v\$ the velocity of the object, \$c\$ the speed of light and \$\vartheta\$ is an angle formed between the intersection of the object axis and the axis of the observer (see image below).
The application note says
if the target is moving straight toward or away from HB100 the formula is simplified to \$f_d = 19.49v\$ (\$v\$ in km/h).
I can't derive this formula, in this condition theta angle is zero, so \$\cos(0) = 1\$ and the formula I derived is about:
$$f_d = 70.17v$$
Could someone explain how the formula reported in the application note is derived?
The application note can be found here