I'm a student in Computer Sciences and am currently preparing myself for an Exam in Electronics. I came across this Exercise:
(U_0(t) = 10V), u(0) = 0V)
I don't have any solutions for the exercise, which is why i'm asking here:
The exercise is to calculate the time constants as well as the end values for the capacitor-voltage ( u(t) ) in case of a charging or discharging the capacitor. It seems to be an easy task in case of the discharging: The capacitor can only apply it's voltage to R_2 because of the Diode, so tau_1 = R_2 * C. Also the end-value for the charging-procedure (for me) seems to be equal to the z-voltage.
But what about the time-constant for the charging-procedure? We're assuming, that the diode and z-diode are absolutely ideal here. So modeling the z-diode with a voltage-source and a resistor r_z of 0 Ohm would lead to a short-circuit when calculating the pre-resistor for the capacitor!
What am i missing here?
This is my first post here and i would consider myself not really experienced, so take it easy on me!