I'm thinking of making a RaspberryPi solar powered smart "green house", with LED lights, water pumps and a few sensors. I would like to point out the "green house" would be about 6ftx2ftx2ft - more of a tool shed. I also live in the UK so sunny days aren't guaranteed. Can somebody please help me work out the correct solar panels and battery I might need?
My main concern is the LED lights I will be using. They come with a 12v 5A power supply. Am I right in saying they would use 60w?
According to another post on here a 12v 40ah car battery would power a 50w water pump for 9.6hours. Using the same maths this means I should be able to power the lights for 8 hours, correct?
My question is: What size solar panel would I need?
Is it as obvious as a 60W panel?
There is also the amount of power the Rpi would use and the small 3v water pumps I've bought, these will only be used once every day or so for a short period of time.
Any help would be appreciated.