I want to put a LED inside a door and to get the current to the door I was trying to find a device that could conduct while the door is closed like so https://www.ebay.com/itm/Two-Function-Magnum-Shooter-Dakota-Digital-MGS-2/231532017929?epid=1037725533&hash=item35e8623909:g:FU8AAOSwJTta1hxY:rk:7:pf:0
but I'm sure that there is something more specific(and cheap)then that, I just don't know what to search
Does anyone has an Idea?
Well, Sorry for the lack of information in the original post. My bad.
Here's the photo that's in the link
The Purpose of this is that I want to do an electric locking for a bathroom door in my house and I want a LED to light everytime the locking system is switched on. I want the LED to be placed in the door itself(design preference) and to do that i'm looking for a way to "electrify" the door
Thats it