Brief bit of background - I've built my own PC's, I've repaired phones, changed plugs, fit light fittings from diy stores, and have a basic (very basic) understanding of electronics, but have found myself wanting for various reasons trying to build a custom project with light bulbs in series.
I've got mine and my partners initials in 10 inch high wood pieces from hobbycraft, (these style) and wanted to add some bulbs (these type) in series, to prove an aesthetic/design concept. I would use these light bulb holders and this battery pack to power it all.
The end result would ultimately look something like this (just not dog related...)
My question relates to whether using the bits I've researched and chosen, whether it would a) work, b) be bright enough, c) look decent. Each letter I anticipate will use 15 mini bulbs.
Could 4 AA batteries power all 45 bulbs or shall I split into 3 circuits of 15 for each letter? Would I be better off on mains power or is that way too much? Can I connect all these bulbs in series?
Any other tips and advice welcome.
If this works, I'd like to then recreate this on a bigger scale for our wedding day, which would sit at the side in the venue - I like the idea of creating this, as I'm quite craft-sy, and enjoy building things and again I have a very specific vision of what I want, which isn't achieved by hiring them.
I've chosen to build rather than buy because also nothing out there is exactly the way I want it - I want lots of smaller bulbs, instead of bigger ones. I also don't like the white globe look, and want the bulbs to be filament style.
Any help? Thanks in advance!