Just was thinking to buy an oscilloscope, thus went to a shop and started to rummage all of the shops to buy an osci. which could be suitable for me. Read specifications of them. Some features was clear to me and I know them. e.g. sample rate or frequence and I know why the price of oscilloscopes. increases with increasing these parameters and I know what range of these parameters could be suitable for me but there is a question that I couldn't find any answer for it on the net. Why do some oscilloscopes have several input channels? I know with this feature you can capture several signals at the same time but the main question is that when do you need such a feature? I'm thinking that when do I need to capture several signals at the same time but couldn't find the answer. Maybe you could clear me out.
I guess we cannot find any Oscope with less than two channel. Why?
Please post your answer with your experience about what made you to purchase an oscope with more channels. As you know, Oscops with more channels are expensive and so couldn't find anybody ovehere that has oscope with more channels.