The double-lined (one thick one thin) elements on the left are inductors. Not literal components added to the motor, but indicate the inductance of the windings already present inside the motor.
The thick black lines on the right are indicating a mechanical switch. The dashed line below it and "0", "1", and "2" are the positions the switch can be in. Sliding the switch from "0" to "1" would slide the thick vertical bar to the "1" position. Pin 31 is connected to a ground symbol, so it is 0v. The pin with the "+" on the switch, is +DC. So this is a DC motor. It is not very clear from the switch representation, but I bet "+" connects to pin 53 in the "1" position, and pin 53b in the "2" position. So a low and high-speed setting.
The white circle and black triangle exiting the motor is most likely a centrifugal, excessive torque, limit, or over-ride switch. Not very clear. But whatever causes it to activate, flips that switch immediately to the right of it, affecting pins 31b, 53a, and an unlabeled pin on the bottom. This could have a large number of uses, from direction reversing to stopping the motor.