For a project I have to design a led beacon that will consist of +400 LEDs. These LEDs will be driven only a short amount of time maximum of 3% duty cycle (frequency: 100Hz, pulse: 300us). The LEDs have an individual Vf of 5V and an If of 5A for this short surge. I wonder if there are smarter ways to make a led driver because the way I'm thinking about now is to create a led driver from a current shunt, MOSFET, and opamp so that the current is adjustable and the surge duration is adjustable.
When I look into LED drivers the downside is normally that they have a fixed frequency and only PWM dimming. Is there a better way to do this since I'm now looking into combining 16 LEDS in series and 25 (or more) of these strings parallel? The flash frequency and duration must be adjustable by microcontroller.
Summary specs per led:
- If: 5A
- Vf: 5V
- Frequency: 20-100 Hz
- Pulse: 102-300 us
Powered by mains power and there will be a capacitor bank. Lifetime and durability is more important then cost and space.