I've been trying to get the transfer function for the circuit in the image below, but I seem to be doing something wrong, since the simulation on Circuitlab gives me a different Bode plot and I can't find the error on my own.
Here, the equations from the nodal analysis (belong to nodes A, B, C, respectively). Va=Vb=Vc=0 due to virtual ground.
The result I'm getting for the transfer function is:
which looks a little weird to me because of the large numbers, and which translates to this Bode plot:
Simulation on Circuitlab, on the other hand, outputs the following:
From this transfer funtion I should get and plot the step response, which I get calculating the inverse Laplace from H(s)/s, but since the transfer function doesn't seem to be ok I'm not getting these right either.
I'd be very thankful if anyone could point me in the right direction.