I have this AVR reset pin design, which provide a 12V into the nRESET pin of an ATtiny μC. It's function can be describes as follows.
- (a) An input signal given by a "low" (0) on
lets a current flow through LED to show it is "ON", while at the same time pulling the T1 base "low", thus effectively removing T1 from circuit and providing 12V from battery into nRESET.
- (b) An input signal given by a "high" (1) on
would turn "OFF" the LED, while at the same time pulling the T1 base "high", enabling T1 and feeding 12V to GND via R1 (1K) and pulling nRESET "low".
Here is the schematic.
What is the problem?
Battery drainage of 12 mA, when the nRESET signal is not needed, or signal input or power is not connected.
How can I improve the circuit to not drain the battery when the reset signal is not needed/used?
(Preferably with minimal number of added components and using cheap off-the-shelf ones.)
BTW. Is there still a Voltage drop when 12V is not grounded?
I've also looked at a few similar posts and solutions using MOSFETs, but they are either not helpful or I don't understand them, as I'm not clear how to apply the differences, and how to understand the many variations of the MOSFETs available.
- BC547/BC548 with 5V at base can't control 12V at collector-emitter?
- What is the conventional circuit to control a P-MOSFET with MCU?
- N-Channel MOSFET as on-off switch between battery and load
- How to shorten fall time on high-side BJT drive?
- Avoid leakage current
- Transistor weak current when switched from microcontroller
Some additional assumptions:
- No significant load on
- Some (internal?) pull-up/down R may be present on
side - 12V Battery may be replaced by ~12V DC source
signal may be 5V or 3.3V
Since I was told that the type of circuit to search for is called a High-Side Driver
, I now see these everywhere, with thousands of variations. I choose to accept Turbo's answer because his diagram provide a very nice flow of higher voltages to GND from top to bottom, and signal flow from left to right.
I tried the Tubo's circuit in LTspice, but there seem to be a problem with the MOSFET never shutting down 12V. I tried several different components. Any ideas why this doesn't work?
Green - nRESET
Blue - V1
Red - Q1:B
Added a load resistance R3 via GND to \$\overline{RESET}\$, so now it works.