
I've downloaded source code of an application note from Microchip's web site (AN1307). In order to try it, I created a new project in MPLABX. Then I added all source and header files that I've downloaded to the project. When I built the project it gave an error because header file uart.h was not included. But there was no uart.h file in the source code that I've downloaded from the web site.

What should I do? Where can I find that header file? Should I write it on my own?


2 Answers 2


The uart.h should be part of your MPLABX installation. According to the makefile it is looking for it in:

../../program files/microchip/mplab c30/support/peripheral_30F_24H_33F/UART.h

We must have downloaded .exe of related peripheral libraries (PLIBS) from microchips compiler download page. That .exe automatically installs essential files (included uart.h) into the ...\support\peripheral_30F_24H_33F directory.


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