I currently have a setup where I send a char using a Tx of 434MHz and an Uno to a Mega with a Rx. The Mega counts how many times it receives the char and then if it falls below a certain number it triggers an alarm. Is this a viable way to measure the distance between two microcontrollers while indoors or is there a better way.
Transmitter (Mega)
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
int rxPin=2; //Goes to the Receiver Pin
int txPin=5; //Make sure it is set to pin 5 going to input of receiver
SoftwareSerial txSerial = SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin);
SoftwareSerial rxSerial = SoftwareSerial(txPin, rxPin);
char sendChar ='H';
void setup() {
pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//Make sure it is set to pin 5 going to the data input of the transmitter
int rxPin=5;
int txPin=3; //Don't need to make connections
int LED=13;
int BUZZ=9;
int t=0;
char incomingChar = 0;
int counter = 0;
SoftwareSerial rxSerial = SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin);
void setup() {
pinMode(rxPin, INPUT); //initilize rxpin as input
pinMode(BUZZ, OUTPUT); //initilize buzz for output
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); //initilize led for output
rxSerial.begin(2400); //set baud rate for transmission
Serial.begin(2400); //see above
void loop() {
for(int i=0; i<200; i++) {
incomingChar = rxSerial.read(); //read incoming msg from tx
if (incomingChar =='H') {
counter++; //if we get bit "h" count it
delay(5); //delay of 10 secs
Serial.println(counter); //prints the the bits we recieved
if(counter<55) {
//if we receive less than 100 bits than print out of range triggers alarm
Serial.println("out of range");
else {
noTone(BUZZ);digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
//if we get more than 100 bits than we are within range turn off alarm
Serial.println("in range");
counter = 0;