I have a motherboard with broken PDC3094X (Potens Semiconductor) in VRM circuit. I cannot find the replacement with exact same parameters and the original part is impossible to get. I don't have a lot of experience in finding a replacement parts, so I have a big request for some help.
PDC3094X parameters are:
- Id= 90A
- Vds= 30V
- Rdson= 4mOhm (@Vgs= 10V)
- Pd= 115W
- Qg= 24nC (@Id= 20A)
- Ci= 2200pF
- Co= 475pF
PDC3094X PDF datasheet: http://potens-semi.com/pdf/PDC3094X.pdf
Would that be OK to replace it with TEXAS INSTRUMENTS CSD17576Q5BT?
CSD17576Q5BT parameters are:
- Id= 100A
- Vds= 30V
- Rdson= 1,7mOhm (@Vgs= 10V)
- Pd= 125W
- Qg= 25nC (@Id= 25A)
- Ci= 3410pF
- Co= 389pF
CSD17576Q5BT PDF datasheet: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/csd17576q5b.pdf
Which other MOSFET in such package would fit? What are terms of finding a good replacement for motherboard power-line MOSFET? What parameters are the most important?