Please excuse my ignorance. I need your advise and clarification on something. I'm using the 18f4550 and I'm a little curious about the communication protocols. I am not using the USB features. It has 1-EUSART, and 1 (SPI/I2C) comm. My question is, the EUSART and SPI seem to share pin26 (on the 40pdip). I need to use both. Is it normal for 2 comm protocols to share a pin and just toggle the config of that pin throughout the program?
Are the SPI devices on that line going to be confused at the UART data they see on it, and vice versa? How likely is it they could react to some signal from the other protocol? Or is it good practice never to dual-use such a pin and spec a chip with 2 separate protocol pin allocations?
Thank you.