Regarding the following statement:
In order to preserve the integrity of the pulse through a system, it is mandatory that the group delay of the system be constant up to the maximum frequency component of the pulse.
What is meant by "maximum frequency of the pulse"?
If I sample a f Hz D% duty cycle pulse train coming from a rotating device for instance where each incoming individual pulse period is randomly distributed around f and if I also want to capture each pulse's length(period) with a good accuracy what should be the sampling rate fs? I will capture each rising edges and find the period for each individual pulse by an ADC/DAQ.
If I can quantify the rising time of the pulses of the pulse train by a scope. How can I proceed to decide the sampling rate to have an accurate period of each pulse? Let's say we have a roughly 30 Hz 50% duty cycle pulse train(with each pulse period might be 10% different) but if we measure the rising edge rise time as 1ms. What determines the sampling rate here?
What is meant by "maximum frequency [component] of the pulse"?